4summer dog show
Split (HR)


THURSDAY - help with english setter

THURSDAY - junior handling with wippet

THURSDAY - Swiss hound - Pongo Bencilla - Best of breed

FRAYDAY - Junior handling - 1. place (from about 60 handlers)

FRAYDAY - Swiss hound Pongo Bencilla - BIG - 3. place

SATURDAY - Swiss hound Pongo Bencilla - BIG - 2. place

SATURDAY - Swiss hound Pongo Bencilla
Best hunting working dog
- 3. place

SUNDAY - Junior handling - 1. place (from about 60 handlers)
with black medium poodle - Jasenak Porto Bello "LEO"

Pongo Bencilla - BIG 3. place

From holiday with Jitka Svobodova and english setters
Pongo Bencilla - BIG 3. place